Friday, April 11, 2014

Rest In Peace Karyn Washington -

This morning I woke up to hear the sad news regarding Karyn Washington's (founder of For Brown Girls) death. Apparently she committed suicide (Bless her soul). Needless to say I am still in shock and very sad about this news. I pray that her family be comforted especially during this time. 

Someone reached out to me to participate in the For Brown Girls project called The #DarkSkinRedLip Project. I was elated needless to say. After-all, I have a true love for red lipstick but after reading her site, I immediately connected with what this was all about. This was about more than red lipstick or rapper A$AP Rocky's ignorant comments/opinion on #darkskin women who wear red lipstick. The real life lesson here was actually all about uplifting one another, self love and being proud of dark brown skin. 

For Brown Girls served as a platform where women with pretty smiles, choqolate (chocolate)brown skin and countless shades of red lipstick were a divine display of true beauty.

You may find it hard to believe that some dark brown skin women and girls grow up believing their skin is not beautiful. I'm here to tell you it's true. For Brown Girls gave dark skin women a place to share experiences and celebrate who we are. I believe in the mission of For Brown Girls and I'm grateful for Karyn Washington's drive and determination to create a safe place for brown skin girls to shine.

We all must realize true beauty starts from within. It's the beauty from within that makes you radiant. This is true for every ethnicity, nationality and every shade of brown.

Karyn Washington may you rest in peace. I will never forget the great work you started.
Links for Brown Girls:

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